
My creative life, like many, began in the art room at school and then as a studio assistant to a master painter. In hindsight, these were the places I was happiest.. In 2020 I returned to where I began, to my art practice.

More than half and the most ‘contented’ of those intervening years were spent designing galleries and exhibitions, mediated environments combining objects perfectly placed, with stories, images, film and sound in spatial and atmospheric settings often in found spaces.

All the years of designing provide ballast to this ‘second-life’. Designing is not a process one ever stops; shapes, relationships, forms are all conditioned by understanding when a work has reached an equilibrium.

Exhibition design is a spatial-design practice more akin to a making a movie-in-space. It takes a long time to emerge, as do my pieces. They are made and remade, divided, collaged, joined to others. Found materials in found spaces, bringing these two biographical strands together.

‘nothing WASTED’ - everything is a preparation

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